“And the Liebster Blog Award Goes To . . .”

Liebster-Blog-AwardBlog awards come in all shapes and sizes — but few can bring a smile to my face like the Liebster Award.  It’s a funny — and a fun — word to say.  Go ahead, give it a try.  “Ah, my little Liebster, how are you today?”

See what I mean?  You have to smile when you say it.

The other part about this award that makes me smile is the rules.  While most of the rules are pretty much routine:

  • Thank and link the nominator.
  • Eleven random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate and notify other bloggers.

But it’s this one rule that makes the award especially unique:

  • The nominator creates 11 questions for the nominees.  That means each time nominations are made, the questions will always be different — thereby keeping the award fresh.  And that is wunderbar!

Wayne NewtonThe Nominator

In the words of Wayne Newton, a great big danke schoen to GiRRL_Earth, a Liebster in her own right.  If you are not familiar with her amazing blog, please pop over and visit.  Her posts are always insightful, political, educational, and sensitive.

Eleven Facts

1. In high school, there was never an inkling about taking a romance language.  For me, three years of German was all the romance I needed.

2. To keep the German theme going: I had hopes of working in the United Nations or Lufthansa as a translator.

3. One of the best meals I ever had was in Berlin.  Joe and I spent a few weeks driving across a buh-zillion European countries and arrived in Berlin late at night, stomachs growling.  While walking down Kurfurstendamm, we smelled the most amazing aroma and followed it into a basement restaurant, overflowing with local Germans.  There, we feasted on Schweinshaxen mit Bretzel und Bier.

4. Although I am not a fan of scary and bloody and violent movies, I will make an exception for two: Psycho and Rosemary’s Baby.

5. I look forward to three-day holiday weekends, when some cable channels run a marathon of the original “Star Trek” and . . .

Burgess Meredith Twilight Zone6. “The Twilight Zone.”  My favorite episode stars Burgess Meredith as a spectacled banker who survives a nuclear war, which allows him all the time in the world to read — until his glasses break.

7. I was devastated by the shut down of Hostess because it also meant the loss of Drakes, and that meant no more Yankee Doodles, Ring Dings, and Yodels.

8. I love cereal.  My day just isn’t complete until I have a bowl.

9. My favorite childhood toys when I was kid were GI Joe (with the life-like hair) and Big Jim (with a really cool camper).

10. Our local newspaper has a separate kid section.  When I was younger, I was a Kidsday reporter and had the chance to interview Dick Clark.

11. I keep watching “Madison Time” on YouTube to learn the line dance that was featured in the better of the two Hairspray films — the one with Ricki Lake and Divine.

Eleven Questions, courtesy of GiRRL_Earth

1. At what point in your life did you realize that you had a talent for gardening?

My earliest gardening memory has me sitting on a kid-sized lawn chair in the garage of my childhood home.  I had created a potting bench of sorts on top of a small aluminum garbage can that held the dog’s food.  There, I planted freshly pulled weeds into the beds of my toy pick-up trucks.  (I’m not sure if this is my earliest gardening moment or my earliest gay moment.)

2. What is the hardest plant you have ever grown and did it live or die under your care?

I haven’t had much luck with cacti.  I think it’s because I assume they never, ever need water.

True Blue3. What were your feelings when a newly remodeled, reshaped, totally buff blonde Madonna hit the scene with her new album, True Blue

What I always admired about Madonna was — and is — her ability to morph into something else.  That being said, True Blue is not one of my favorite Madonna albums.  I much prefer Ray of Light and Music.

4. While attending a party with friends and acquaintances, you happen to overhear someone make a derogatory remark about LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender).  How would you handle the situation?  Would you let it slide or would you call that person on the carpet?

I would probably not want to upset the party with a big scene.  Instead, I would keep low and find my opening to get my point across.  In all honesty, though, I have found that it doesn’t take much for a prejudiced blowhard to crash and burn without my help.

5. If you were granted a super power, which power would you choose and why?  What would you do with this power? 

I have to choose just one?  I don’t know if this qualifies as a super power, but I would choose to be Samantha Stevens on “Bewitched.”  She could do anything with a twitch of her nose — and Joe is no Darren.  He would be totally fine with me using my powers.

6. Do you follow “Downtown Abbey?”  If so, who is your favorite character?

I do follow “Downton” and my first response would be Violet Crowley , since I relish each word that Maggie Smith delivers.  But I’m also quite fond of Daisy.

Madeline Kahn WhatsUpDoc7. What always makes you laugh?

Any scene with Madeline Kahn in two of my favorite films: What’s Up, Doc? and Young Frankenstein. (“Oh, sweet mystery of youth . . . “)

8. What always makes you cry?

Many things.  Some commercials.  September 11.  The Color Purple.  No matter when I catch that film, I start crying the ugly cry.

9. What is one thing that you can’t do that you’d love to be able to do?

I’d love to be able to sing — really sing in an Aretha Franklin kind of way.  She just seems to open her mouth and this voice rises up, effortlessly and passionately.  Here is a link to one of her most impressive performances.

10. What is your favorite book?

There are two.  1984, by George Orwell, and Lord of the Flies, by William Golding.

11. If you were given the opportunity to spend one more day with a friend or family member who has passed away, what would you do?

I would like to spend the last day I had with my grandmother exactly as we spent it.  Joe and I had gone to dinner with her, and then I brought her food shopping.  We stood at the deli counter in the supermarket, waiting for close-to-forever to place her order.  Finally, the wait became too long and Grandma remarked about the deli guy in a voice both quiet and loud, “Jesus Christ, he’s as slow as molasses going uphill in winter.”  The waiting line burst out laughing.  Afterwards, when I brought her home, she hugged me and said, “Kevin, you’re a gift from God.”  That’s the last thing she said to me — and I cherish that moment.  (You may want to add this to what always makes me cry.)

My Nominations

Liebster-Blog-AwardThis is the controversial part.  I’ve read different versions of rules for the Liebster Award — some say only blogs with less than 200 readers can be nominated; others say 3,000 readers.  That’s a pretty wide range, so I’m just going to jump right in — and that is the other problem.  I’m limited to 11 blogs — and I love so many more than 11.  Nevertheless, here it goes:

1. Gwennies Garden: A Belgian blog with an emphasis on cacti and succulents.

2. Alesiablogs: The name of the blog says it all — except that this is a remarkable personal writing journey.

3. Gardenhood: Cheryl’s writing is incredibly poetic and soothing.  It’s a written massage.

4. A 3 Acre Farm: A blog of photos and words by a master gardener in Maine.

5. The Outlaw Gardener: A blog from someone who likes to break the rules and fight for his right to garden.

6. Where2Look4Ancestors: One woman’s fascinating effort to discover her family tree.

7. Crab and Fish: When it’s winter in the northern hemisphere, it’s always nice to visit a blog from Australia.

8. Breathe Lighter: Join Debra as she shares her life and her garden — and instructs readers to breathe.

9. Casa Mariposa: I’m drawn to this blog for its creativity and energy.

10. AltroVerde: When I need an instant vacation, I visit Alberto’s place in Italy.

11. Peggy Isaacs: Join Peggy on her journey of self-discovery.  It’s like watching a flower bloom.

My Questions

1. What is your favorite time of day and why?

2. How and when did you first discover your passion, whatever that passion is?

The-Breakfast-Club-Poster3. Hopefully, you’re familiar with The Breakfast Club for this question.  When you were in high school, in which social group did you best fit?

4. Where do you write your posts and why did you choose that place?

5. What always makes you laugh and why?

6. If you could appear on a televised talent show, what would your talent be?

7. Which flower reminds you of happiness?

8. What is your favorite book and why?

9. It’s important to eat your vegetables, but which vegetable do you always resist/avoid eating?

10. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

11. Who is the one celebrity, past or present, you would like to meet — and what would you ask that person?

Now, I’m off to inform my nominees.  Have fun clicking and exploring!

31 thoughts on ““And the Liebster Blog Award Goes To . . .”

  1. “What’s Up Doc” is one of my flawless favorites! Ryan O’Neil is wonderful in that and he’s not ten kinda of weird. Kahn is exceptional. The pitch of her voice is like nails on the proverbial chalkboard. Babs could not be more beautiful than she is in that flick. Congrats as always, Kevin.

      • Made me cry, too! She loved you beyond belief! She loved ALL her grandkids, but you were the firstborn and she ALWAYS had a very special place in her heart that only you could fill. I’m so glad you have such a wonderful memory of your last time together – obviously spent in true “Girlie” style!!! 😉 If she had something to say, she was gonna say it!!! LOL! Thanks, Kevin, for the warm fuzzy!

  2. Why, Kevin, thank you very much for nominating me for this award. Now to the thinking and writing part. Hmmmm. I loved reading about your last day with your grandmother. Because I was fortunate to grow up within a few miles of all of my grandparents, the many memories are precious, indeed. If I might ask, what was your grandmother’s first name?

  3. I always love the Twilight Zone marathons, too! We can spend an entire day in bed just watching them all. The story about your grandmother is so very sweet. She must have been a lovely lady. Congrats on the award. I always enjoyed learning a little more about the blogger behind the blog!

    • That days sounds like heaven. It’s like eating a box of chocolate — this will be last one, and then my other favorite episode comes on. 🙂 Hope all is well with you!

  4. What a nice surprise to stumble upon your site this morning. This particular post is wonderfully fun, like a friend let you take a look at their dairy, and every entry is good stuff. Look forward to reading more. Warm regards, Tom

    • You’re very welcome. I’m fascinated by the genealogy journey. Thanks to a relative I’ve never met — the one who did all the research and published it — I’ve can trace paternal side back several hundred years. My maternal side arrived in this country through Ellis Island. Fascinating stuff, to think of the journeys they made. Congrats on the nomination!

  5. Thank you, Kevin. Encouragement is always welcome! I have previously received this award, but you’ve also helped me realize that I have buried that information too deep into the blog to be noticed! Maybe it’s been enough time I can receive it again. The questions are different and I’m completely intrigued with ” If you could appear on a televised talent show, what would your talent be?” What a fun question! Again, thank you so much.

  6. My eyes welled up over the last day with your grandmother. 😦

    And thanks for answering my Qs. 🙂

    p.s. I too received an amaryllis!

    • Thank you for the nomination. It was a lot of fun answering your questions. I really had to think, and then I thought I was getting too wordy. Oh, well. Happy planting!

      • No, not too wordy at all. It was a great post You are a fantastic writer and I loved reading about who you are as well as your interests. You and your partner sound like a fun couple to hang out with. I wished we lived closer. 😦

  7. Pingback: Spring Cleaning — Better Late Than Never | Nitty Gritty Dirt Man

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